Weitong Zhang
I’m a tenure track assistant professor at the School of Data Science and Society in University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I received my Ph.D. from Department of Computer Science at University of California, Los Angeles. I have been fortunate to be advised by Prof. Quanquan Gu. I received my B.E. form Department of Automation, Tsinghua University and M.Sc. during my Ph.D. career. You can find my latest CV here.
Research Interests
Prospective Interns/Students: I’m actively seeking for highly motivated student to work with me:
- Prospective interns, Current UNC undergrad / grad students / Postdocs: Please fill out this form (feel free to skip some optional questions) and/or email me at
weitongz [at] unc [dot] edu
.- Prospective PhD / MS students: The UNC Data Science PhD Program will be open in 2026. You are more than encouraged to apply for UNC CS program for year 2025. You are also welcomed to fill the form above and send emails to me.
My research is centered around machine learning with particular interests in the area of reinforcement learning and AI for science. My ultimate goal is developing reliable AI agent for scientific tasks. I’m actively working on
- Theoretical understanding of bandit / RL algorithms: unsupervised exploration in reinforcement learning ((ICML24) and robust reinforcement learning.
- RL + Foundation models: Diffusion models for decision making systems, LLM agents
- AI for broad scientific tasks: De-novo drug design (w/ Nvidia), ML / RL for self-driving chemical labs (w/ Prof. Chong Liu). I’m actively seeking for more interdisciplinary collaborations!
Recent News
Latest Update @ 2024-08
- [2024-05] I’ve successfully defended my dissertation (slides)! I appreciate the constant support of all my committee members!
- [2024-04] I will be joining UNC SDSS as a tenure track assistant professor!
- [2023-06] It is my great fortune to have been awarded the UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship!
- [2023-06] I’m delighted to be returning to Nvidia as an intern and have the opportunity to work with Dr. Xiaoyun Wang and Dr. Joe Eaton, Dr. Weili Nie and Dr. Bradley Rees again this summer!